The Benefits of Blog Content Marketing For Your Business

May 24, 2022

When it comes to marketing your business, there are a lot of different tactics you can use. One increasingly popular option is blog content marketing, meaning creating a regular blog for your business. But what are the benefits of blogging for your business? And how can you make sure that your blog posts are effective? We’ve written a few blogs here at Frankel, and we’re more than happy to share some of our tips for success with you. Keep reading to learn more. 

Benefits of Content Marketing: Maintaining a Blog

There are a number of content marketing benefits that can help you market your business. Content marketing includes all the written material you use to market your business. Think your website, ad copy and social media post copy, just to name a few. One very popular method, or tactic, of content marketing is maintaining a blog. But how does a blog benefit your business? For starters, blogging can help you attract more visitors to your website. By creating informative and keyword-rich blog posts, you can draw in new readers who may not have otherwise found your site. And once they’re on your site, you have the opportunity to convert them into customers or subscribers.

In addition to attracting new visitors, content marketing through blogging can also help you build trust and credibility with your audience. When you provide helpful information and insights on your blog, readers will begin to see you as an authority figure in your industry. This can lead to more conversions down the line, which we all know is the ultimate goal.

Another huge benefit of content marketing with a blog is that it’s great for search engine optimization (SEO). When you include relevant keywords in your blog posts, you can improve your site’s ranking in search results, making it more likely that potential customers will find your business when they’re searching online.

Blogging is a great way to keep your customers and clients up to date on what’s going on with your business. By sharing news, updates and insights on your blog, you can ensure that everyone who is interested in your company is always in the know.

How Often Should You Post? 

While there is no hard and fast rule for the frequency you should use when posting your blogs, having a blog content marketing strategy that outlines your posting frequency will help you to establish your blog and create regular readers. We recommend publishing new blog posts on a regular basis. This keeps readers regularly tuned to your site and gives them something to look forward to. Ideally, aim to post several times a month, whether it’s every week or on a bi-weekly basis. And if you have the time, resources and relevant topics, keep it up and post more frequently. Creating a content calendar with blog topics and posting frequencies will help keep you on track. 

Getting Started

Once you’re ready to start reaping the benefits of blogging for your business, getting started is easy! You’ll need to set up a blog on your website, this is a separate landing page where all of your future blogs will live. Most blog pages include a featured image for every blog, the title, the author’s name (aka the byline) and a snippet of text (aka the short description) to get site visitors interested to read more.

Once your blog landing page is set up, you can start writing and publishing your posts! For maximum visibility, link to your blogs in your social media posts, and reference them in other media such as podcasts. 

Tips for Creating Effective Blog Posts

The most effective content marketing reaches your audience and answers questions or addresses topics they’re interested in. To help you create an effective blog content marketing strategy, we’ve put together a few tips. 

Relevant Topics

Write about topics that are relevant to your target audience, including things your readers will find interesting and useful. 

Keyword Relevancy

Identify your keywords and use them in titles and meta descriptions as well as several times throughout your blog. Ensure any keyword use is natural. This will help your blog posts show up in search results.

Ensure Readability

Structure your blog posts in an easy-to-read format. Use short paragraphs and break up the content into subsections with related subheadings. 

Include Media

Images, videos and infographics give your blogs visual appeal and engage your readers. Don’t overdo it, but include relevant media that will help tell the story. 

Blogging is a great content marketing tactic to attract new visitors to your website, build trust and credibility with your audience, and improve your site’s SEO. By following these tips, you can create effective blog posts that will help you achieve your marketing goals. 

Want content marketing help from the experts? Our team of content strategists and expert writers can work with you to create a blog you’ll be proud of. Contact us today to get started!

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