Insights Fuel Effective Marketing

November 7, 2023

We understand how competitive it is out there. And being first to market can be a big advantage for companies. But rushing to get your marketing efforts out isn’t the best way to connect with customers and grow your business. Gaining insights before launching a campaign is immensely valuable and will pay off in the long run. As a marketing agency and digital marketing agency, with an 18 year history of helping clients achieve success, we at Frankel have learned a thing or two. And we’d love to share some of our insights.


Research. Research. Research.

You might have a gut feeling for how to get the word out, but taking the time to prove your instinct right is crucial. You may even discover a different tact that will make your marketing even more successful. We suggest taking the following approaches:

  • Perform a competitive marketing audit: Who else shares the same space as you? What advantages or disadvantages do they have compared to what you offer? What’s their message and how is their brand perceived? Answering these marketing audit questions will prevent you from falling into a sea of sameness, where your product or service is lost in the clutter.
  • Customer interviews: Nothing is more helpful than gathering information straight from the source. Consider sitting down with your potential customer one-on-one or hold a focus group. You’ll find which audiences are best for your business, where they are and how to make meaningful connections with them.
  • Study the channels: There are so many vehicles to use in order to reach your customers. Once you know where they spend their time (see customer interviews), then you can investigate which medium is right in terms of efficiency and budget. Performing a digital marketing audit could be useful.

Hone Your Strategy

Now it’s time to pull all that information together and develop a data based marketing plan of attack. Is a digital push the way to go? Should you drive them to a microsite? What’s the best way to track the customer journey, gather their data for remarketing and ultimately get conversions and sales? Using research to answer these questions will help build a sales funnel and a road map to success. 

Create Effective Messaging

After you understand who you are talking to and what’s the best way to engage with them, the next step is putting together insights-driven messaging that will move the needle. Again, revisit your customer interviews to find the nuggets of info that will help you perfectly position your company and set you up for success. Of course, this isn’t a “one size fits all” approach. Several different messages can be developed and tested to determine what is and is not working. Most likely, you’ll be speaking to multiple audiences, so having a voice that’s flexible, yet still brand appropriate is key.

Now’s the Time to Press Go

Your insights have all led to this: implementation! The media has been purchased, the website is ready to launch, the event has been planned (or whatever course of action your research, strategy and messaging have laid out) now it’s go time. Don’t forget to check in on your efforts often to make sure it’s performing like it should. 

Want a Marketing Agency Expert on Your Team?If it all seems a little too daunting, don’t worry we can help. Frankel has been an effective digital marketing partner and led marketing efforts for hundreds of clients; doing research, crafting airtight strategies and creating can’t-miss messaging. We’re happy to consult, jump in where needed, or run the whole show. Give us a shout and we’ll put together an insights-driven campaign for you.

ph: 352.331.5558
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Ste 520
Gainesville, FL 32608